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Archived from January 3rd 2024


An interesting set of scores this week. Our best shooters struggled yet a few that usually work hard for a decent result put in some excellent totals. Scratch Gold medal was won by Simon Honeybourne with a super 60 that was over 7 points better than his average. Steve Honner took the runner-up spot with tied 57 that left Julian Waszczak in third place by a point  and half on handicap difference. A new year and a new set of handicap calcs to be used..

As usual, I shall use last year's average scores to  calculate the results for the next few weeks. Top Handicapper was Roy Kitchen who took the Gold medal by 5 clear targets, beating his average by over 12 targets, an amazing result on a course that left our best shots scratching their heads.  Simon Honeybpourne was Handicap runner up with the Bronze position going to Ian Jeffries who beat his 2023 average by over 7 breaks.

Len just sheaked the scratch Gold at South Worcester by beating Geoff Pomroy on handicap adjustment on a tied 83 breaks Jonathan Skelding took Bronze with a fine score of 80. John Griffith's super little 28g shone again and easily won the Handicap top spot with a score 10 points above his average. Jonathan S took Handicap silver with Len taking the Bronze position. A fine day's shooting at both grounds.


Message from Keith.  I was ill all over Christmas and new year with a flu type bug. I've not been able to do the pictures from the Christmas shoot. I will do these very soon.


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