Archived from July 24th
Good to see that Jonathan was able to visit the ground today. We all wish him the very best with his treatment.
Very hot day. This is the excuse KotR is using for his poor shooting.
Len and Bob W tied for high gun with 63/75. Congratulations to Noel as handicap winner with his personal best of the year so far.
24th July 2019
Butler’s: Len and Bob W were equal high gun on 63/75 Average score – 48.1. Noel won the handicap.
South Worcester. Len was high gun with 71/100.
17th July 2019
Butler’s: Dave N was equal high gun with Bob W on 62/77. Chris is this week’s handicap winner. Average score – 53.8
South Worcester. Tony was high gun and John took the handicap.
10th July 2019
Butler’s: Bob W and Bob G were equal high gun with 59/75. Average score – 52.1. Bob G won the handicap.
South Worcester. Trevor was high gun 76/100. He also won the handicap
3rd July 2019
Butler’s: Len and Bob W equal high gun with 63/75. Average score – 51.9. Howard won the handicap.
South Worcester. Len was high gun 77/100. Trevor won the handicap.