Archived from January 3rd
January 3rd
Fourteen of us managed to break a few clays at Mr. B’s. Unfortunately, a few of us have been suffering over this period with a variety of ailments. Get well soon to those of you who are still unwell.
Quite a testing course was arranged for us as the scores testify. Len was high gun with 57/77 (bonus two targets from Mr. B as a Christmas gift). Malcolm was definitely suffering from a surfeit of Christmas pudding as it took a while for him to connect with any target. He then goes on to break what were possibly the most difficult targets on the course; with his 20 gauge!
KotR will not publish the scores for 2018 for a few weeks to allow time for meaningful handicaps to be established.
For those of you who would like to relive our Christmas shoot presentation, follow:
(or see bottom of this page) LB of HG
Best wishes to all of you for 2018.
3rd. January 2018
Butler’s Len was high gun with 57/77.
13th December 2017
Butler’s Bob J and Bob W tied for high gun with 65. Bob J gets it with Handicap. Peter won the handicap medal. Average score was 56.0
South Worcester Shoot cancelled.
6th December 2017
Butler’s Len, Bob J, Peter, Dave S and Li were equal high gun with 58/75. Peter gets it when the handicap is taken into consideration. He also wins this week’s weekly handicap medal. The average score was 48.2
South Worcester Len was high gun and handicap winner with 83/100.