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Archived from April 4th

April 4th

This was the Wednesday following Easter Monday and the club was very well attended with us having to queue to shoot.

Mr B had just increased the entry fee but this didn’t seem to deter folk (bit of a shame really!). Although the weather was somewhat miserable, nineteen Dodgers were squadded.

Dave S had a blistering round and shot 62/75, taking high gun and handicap medal. Malcolm missed taking the handicap by half a clay. (He comes from Worcester, you know)! Li had a well-deserved second place, four targets behind Dave.

Dave N rose above the rest of his squad who all scored fifty by managing to break three more targets. Some people shot well below their ability level, particularly

Len, who just managed to avoid a score in the forties with the last ‘kill’ on his card. Looks like a repeat prescription from his contacts in the ‘Eastern Block’, although they may be keeping their heads down following recent high profile incidents regarding ‘chemicals’!

Just ‘one of those days’ for many of us when we did not shoot to our normal standard. Who was that at the back who just muttered ‘shite’?

There is a possibility that we didn’t shoot the same course this morning. Trevor’s group had just followed a squad onto the second skeet layout. They shot the skeet birds ‘on report’ from the centre stand. Gareth had just come past and noticed the cartridge bin had been removed from the right hand side and placed in the centre.

The buttons which should have been used were also on the right of the stand. These released more testing targets than the skeet pair. It is not known why a squad had not shot the intended targets. It would have been better if the buttons had been disconnected. KotR will let the scores provided on the day stand despite the possibility we shot a different layout. Feedback from the squads would be appreciated.

Len was unable to attend South Worcester and Trevor was really moaning about the travel time back on the M5 that reluctantly he didn’t attend.

4th April 2018

Butler’s Dave S was high gun and handicap winner with 62/75. Average score was 48.9

28th March 2018

Butler’s. Len was high gun with 66/75.Ian J won the handicap medal. Average score was 48.0

South Worcester Dave S was high gun with 79/100. Tony won the handicap.

21st March 2018

Butler’s. Len was high gun and handicap winner with 67/75

South Worcester. TBA

7th March 2018

Butler’s: Trevor tied with Bob J for high gun with 65/75. Simon and Howard tied for the weekly handicap with 87.17 Average score was 55.2

South Worcester Dave S was high gun with 75/100. John G won the handicap

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