Archived from October 19th
Some more good Scores last week with Len Sandford having a good day to break 66 targets and earn himself the Scratch Gold medal. Bob Warder and Julian Waszczak each scored 63 with Bob beating Julian to the Silver on a fractional handicap difference.
Some quite amazing results on the Handicap challenge this week. This measures individual improvements over average scores. 8 shooters beat their average by over 5 targets, an impressive set of individual scores. The performance of the week however went to Chris Monk who beat his average by a massive 12 targets to take the Gold spot. Peter Johnson's 11 above average easily took the Silver spot with Malcolm Speer taking the Bronze just a couple of targets behind Peter. A greatset of results. Dave Salter returned to
South Worcester this week and gave us all a shooting lesson. His Gold place 83 beat Jonathan Skelding's silver place by 4 targets. Scratch Bronze went to Len's 75 kills. Handicap Gold went to John Griffiths who's mighty 28g continues to improve and show that, in John's hands, it can break anything the trappers can dream up. Handicap Silver place went to Jonathan Skelding who has recently adjusted his gun fit to good effect. He beat his average by roughly 5 targets. Handicap Bronze went to another small bore gum. Trevor's 20g was as usual well up to it's expected standard.
Great shooting all round.