Archived from July 24th
I can't relate to whether you had clement conditions or not, only that I languished in a wet and windy Padstow while you were enjoying yourselves. My scoring was a bit premature and erratic last week. I tried to get them recorded before I legged it to PadStein on Thursday evening. I totally missed one squads' scores and gave another shooter a lift of 8 when booking his scores. Apologies all but everything corrected now (I hope)
Two top scores of 67 this week came from Bob Warder and Chris Arthur . Chris triumphed over Bob on Handicap adjustment..Scratch third place was won by Eric Hall with a score of 64 which beat Julian W's similar score, once again, on handicap adjustment. Handicap Top Gun was Drew Beaumont who topped his average by almost 11 points. Runner-up was Nigel Jordan with a score virtually 9 above his average, He was followed by Eric Hall who continued to put in a super score, just 28 hundredths of a point behind.
A close competition at South Worcester with Jonathan Thornton taking the scratch top spot with a score of 77. Dave Salter came second just a single target behind. Third place went to Jonathan Skelding just two points behind Dave. Mr Skelding was the Handicap winner with Jon Thornton taking the runner-up spot. Third place went to Dave Salter. Hopefully, I'll be back on the scene next week. Looking forward to it.