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Archived from August 28th


Another good layout from the looks of the scores. No excuses were logged in with the results but with only 4 Dodgers beating their handicap, I would have expected a few hard luck stories.

Top score was recorded by Julian Waszczak with a healthy 63 which beat the runners-up by a healthy 4 targets. Second scratch score, on handicap adjustment, was Gary Griffiths who beat Bob Warder's similar score by just over 3 handicap points. SuzI Small (and her new 20g musket I hear) took the the Handicap Gold medal by beating her average by a healthy 3 targets. Well done Su. Julian was Handicap runner up with Bob Jordan filling in the third spot. A fine shoot from the looks of it.

At South Worcester, Tony Gray was top gun on the scratch scoreboard last week, beating Geoff Pomroy by 5 targets. Jonathan Skelding was just a single point behind Geoff to take bronze position. John Griffiths was back on form again. He sneaked the Handicap top spot by just 0.13 of a target from runner-up Tony Gray. Geoff Pomroy took Handicap third.

I have been conspicuous by my absence for the last 4 weeks. I have been suffering from an incredibly painful left knee which I have been trying to treat with proprietary painkillers. I have seen my GP a fortnight ago and managed to get an X-ray and some stronger painkillers last week. I'm now waiting for a report from my GP as to what the problem Is. I can't place any weight on the painful leg and am finding walking just too painful. Am missing your company and will be back as soon as I can Will keep you posted.


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