Archived from June 26th
Very well shot to Bob J. High gun with his 20g scoring 63 kills.
Simon shot very well again this week, one kill behind Bob but with the consolation of winning the weekly handicap medal. Bob W was the only other Dodger to score in the 60’s.
Dave N (20 gauge), Julian, Dave S and Ian E (.410) all scored 55! Well shot to Ian with the ‘spud gun’.
The problem using semi-automatic shotguns is that it is a ‘pain’ picking up the spent cartridges. It is very helpful to have a magnetic stick which can perform this task quickly and easily. Trevor would like to thank Ian E for hand-crafting a rather splendid cartridge ‘picker-upperer’ for his personal use!
At South Worcester, John is still suffering but did manage to score 21/48. Trevor was high gun with 68/100 and Ian buggerated 58 with the ‘spud gun’.
Butler’s: Bob J high Gun with 63/75. Simon was the handicap winner.
South Worcester: Trevor high gun 68/100 and handicap winner.
26th June 2019
Butler’s: Julian High gun with 61/75. Average score – 48.1. Bob W won the handicap.
South Worcester. Len was high gun with 74/100. Trevor won the handicap.
19th June 2019
Butler’s: Simon High gun with 67/75. He also won the handicap for the week. Average score – 50.3.
South Worcester. Len was high gun and handicap winner with 86/100.
12 June 2019
Butler’s: Bob W and Bob G were equal high gun with 59/75. Average score – 52.1. Bob G won the handicap.
South Worcester. Trevor was high gun 76/100. He also won the