Archived from August 22nd
High gun this week was Dave with 63/75. Mike is the handicap winner. The average score was 50.4.
Bob W was runner-up for high gun as was Malcolm for handicap winner with a personal best for the year so far of 58/75. Several other personal bests for the year – Gary (59), Eric L, Duncan (just one short of his 50) and congratulations to Mike on achieving his first 50/75!
The targets had pretty much remained the same from last week. One target which has caused difficulty has been the teal across the pond. Advice from Shane – Relatively easy shot. Aim slightly to the right and slightly underneath. It seems many of us have been shooting far too much underneath. Malcolm has managed to hit the target just before it disappeared behind the bank: but he is from Worcester!
Taking time off work, Gary and Julian made the trundle down to darkest Worcestershire to shoot at the Dodgers’ afternoon ground. Dave S also came along and managed to miss the crossers from the tower. It goes without saying that Trevor failed yet again to hit any of them. Absolute mystery why this target is causing problems particularly when it was regularly hit, even with a 410!
Expecting Len to be back in action next week. Crimped end first Len, crimped end!
There have been over twenty people shooting with the Dodgers each week recently, with nearly forty shooting on a regular basis. Quite different from a couple of squads years ago.
22nd August 201
Butler’s. Dave S was high gun with 63/75. Average score was 50.4 Ian E. won the handicap.
South Worcester Julian W was high gun with 73/10
15th August 2018
Butler’s: Bob W was High gun with 65/75. Average score was 48.4. Mike won the handicap.
South Worcester: Dave High gun with 76/100.
8th August 2018
Butler’s: Dave was high gun with 60/75. Mike won the handicap Average score was 46.5
South Worcester. Len was high gun with 67/84.